What your Body Fat Percentage says about your Body

02 Aug 2023

Over 5 years of my Coaching career, I have always told my clients looking to lose weight that along with weight we also have to focus on getting the body fat down and achieving a healthy body fat percentage which is 15% for men and 26% for females.

I am sure reading this the first thought you must have got is what’s your body fat percentage and what does it say about your body.

Body fat percentage is the amount of weight your body holds excluding bones, muscles, organs and water, what’s left is the yellow, brown and white in color sticky substance called fats.

Now fat is not the villain as always made out to be but excess fats is definitely.

You need a minimum body fat to survive.
Men require 2 – 4 % while women require 10 – 12 % minimum body fat percentage to survive.

Lower than this will lead to probably a organ collapse. Fat is also required to maintain hormonal balance and it provide the organs with much needed protection.

Now, you can separate fats into 2 types

Visceral fat is the fats is surrounded around your internal organs and belly area. Your vital organs like Liver, Kidneys, pancreas, intestine, heart, etc. are covered with a thin layer of visceral fat to protect then and assist in their function as well.

Subcutaneous Fats is the fat you hold all over your body as it is stored under your skin layer. This is the fat which you can hold when you try to pinch your skin or show someone the amount of fats you hold.

Now, how much body fat are you holding? How can you calculate your body fat percentage? How can you shred body fats?
We will answer all these now. First let’s understand what does your body fats sya about you. Let’s refer to the image below.

There are various ways of measuring your body fats these include

  • Body Fat Calipers
  • Body Measurements (the USA NAVY Method available of various websites)
  • Body Fat scales
  • The Bod Pod
  • Dexa Scanning
  • Water displacement

Out of all these the most accurate is the Dexa Scan but it is not available everywhere and is a tough expensive.
But the other methods are also around 95% accurate which is very reliable.
My Favorite is the Fat Calipers which has helped me a lot over the years to achieve my shredding goals and stay on track.

What’s really important to know and understand is that it is very practical, realistic to achieve and maintain a body fat of 12-13% for men and 22-24% for females.
During this you have good energy levels, you look amazing with clothes and are super confident to flaunt your toned and ripped beach body as well.
Getting to a lower body fat is difficult but not impossible. It take time and patience but it is very difficult to maintain or sustain. Bodybuilders or actors prepare for such days separately.

Maintaining a lower body fat is essential for your overall health. I have seen so many people just obsessed with losing weight that even after they have dropped 20kgs weight they are unhappy because they still look like a squeezed potato.
Hence when I work with my clients, the process is simple…
We want to lose weight at any cost, but we also want to achieve a healthy body composition, get fitter, boost metabolism, keep the weight + excess fats off forever and look appealing.

Now, if you are wondering how can you lower your body fat percentage you can sign up for my 12 weeks Transformation program or just fill out the form https://www.crunchesandcurves.com/contactus and we will get your free 1-1 consultation going which will help you understand the program and process.

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