10 Moves To Stay Fit at home

16 Dec 2021

These are strange times for humanity. We are staying under strict lockdown. Gym are closed and going out of house ever for walk is forbidden and to be honest not wise at this time.Taking care of personal health and fitness has never been more important than now.

Everyone is working in close proximity to the kitchen and hence it is important to get a good rush of adrenaline to keep the heart healthy and body fit. The best way is to opt for high intensity exercises. Studies have shown that 2-3 sessions of HIIT a week help to boost metabolism and help with fat loss and build lean muscles.

Here are the 10 exercises that will help you stay fit and get ripped while in this lockdown situation.

1: Sprint in place: Bring your knee high up till your waist and run as fast but at the same spot. Imagine yourself running on a treadmill.

2: Jumping Jacks: Start with keepingyour feet together and arms by your side. Jump up and raise your arms fully vertical whilst simultaneously spreading your feet to shoulder width apart. Repeat this in rapid motion

3: Arm Punches: Imagine yourself giving punches or throwing punches at a punching bag with full intensity. Punch like your life depends on it.

4: Burpees: This one is a killer, perform one push up, stand up and with your arms straight up in the air take a small jump and go down to perform a push up and repeat the same motion.

5: Flutter Kicks: Lie on your back with your arms at your sides and palms facing down. Fully extend your legs and lift them a few inches off the floor. Now, make small kicks with each leg.

6: Push Ups:Place your hands shoulder width apart and feet at hip width apart.
Go down towards the floor and bend your elbow until your chest almost touches the floor and push back to the starting position with the force on your chest and triceps.

7: Air Squats:Start with your leg parallel and shoulder width apart. Now crouch and try to sit down on a chair. Stop until your knees are parallel to your hips and push up to stand straight with the force of your quad and glutes.

8: Jump Lunges: Start with your leg parallel and shoulder width apart. Now crouch and try to sit down on a chair. Stop until your knees are parallel to your hip and jump up using the force of your quads and glutes, and repeat.

9: Sit ups: For this one you will Lie on your back and keep your knees pointed upwards and feet firmly on the floor. Place your hands behind your head and raise your head, shoulders and torso towards your knees until they are approximately a few inches off the floor and then return to the start position

10: Towel Row: With your face towards the ground, lie down parallel to the floor. Hold a towel on both your hands straight above your head. Now, pull the towel back towards your chest and stop at mid chest.

being Physically active helps the mind and body to relax, recover and stay focused. Exercise helps in reducing stress and anxiety which are very common during this lockdown situation. Let’s give these workouts a try and stay fit always.

Remember: It’s all about creating healthy habits.

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Efrixgatimckmk 27 Apr 2024


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